Social Network Services
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Social network services in bringin backend project use grpc server to serve logic. The grpc protocol defined at api/proto folder. Social network services serve social network logic like ( create network invitation, withdraw invitation, accept invitation & reject invitation).
Golang version 1.20
Postgres version 14 as Primary Database
Redis for publishing data
Make sure you have golang version 1.20
Make sure you have postgres that support uuid, jsonb
Make sure you have installed redis
See Recommmended project structure section.
Make sure you already create database and integrate with uuid extension. Look at this to create uuid extension. Look at folder internal/sqls you can execute sql in that folder to migrate database.
Besides executing the commands above, you can execute the command below to migrate database. But before you execute migrate command, make sure you already set database environment in .env file
There are 3 migrate commands :
command migrate:up
will create tables
command migrate:down
will drop tables
command migrate:both
will drop and then create tables
First to run this services, make sure your database and the tables that needed already created. Then create .env file from example.env template. The example.env file look likes below change the configuration and match with your environment.
After .env file created. Run this command